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Re: Smart Fine Print

On Tue, 9 Jul 1996, William Perry wrote:

> Michael Brennen writes:
> >Just edit the cookies.txt file to be empty (or delete it and touch it),
> >then set the read only attribute on the file. I wish I could say this is
> >cleverly ingenious of me, but it is not.  I picked it up from someone
> >else, and it works.  I went to doubleclick.net and ran around -- with nary
> >a cookie set.  They may keep other info, but cookies seems rather critical
> >to their scheme.
>  Most cookie implementations do not try to write to the cookies.txt file
> until you _EXIT_ the application - they are still floating around in
> internal storage and will be sent during THAT session.

cookies.txt was clear after Netscape was closed -- still is.  The cookies
won't be remembered across sessions, and it was my understanding that this
is what doubleclick's scheme depended on.  They need the cookies laying
around to know what they think I want to see next.  Have I missed

   -- Michael

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